Our life in a room

This is probably the first and last time all of our material possessions will fit into one room. Furniture, you ask? Craigslist, a moving sale and helpful friends took care of that. Clothes, silverware, plates, rugs, unnecessary junk? Gone! Mainly to the trash. We probably owe DC Trash collection a tip for all of the mess they picked up, purged from the depths of 3 years of apartment living (read: hoarding). There is real beauty in untying the knots of material possessions. We can get new dressers, chairs, jars of sesame oil at the store tomorrow if necessary. Ikea, Target, The Whole Foods and the next garage sale are generally just a short drive away.

We’ve yet to experience any remorse or loss for all of the things we let go and it feels good to see everything we’ve walked away with. All it took was 2 road trips to Atlanta rocking only the side view mirrors, a few boxes to Fed Ex and willing parents providing said room to store our possessions. Move is complete, now on to all things travel.

Tomorrow we leave for the first leg of our trip, Amsterdam.


6 thoughts on “Our life in a room

  1. Cool, cool, cool. By the way, your bike looks like the ones I saw in Amsterdam when we visited you over Xmas a few years ago. Loved our time together there. So excited for your next adventure. Hugs to you and Jack.

  2. All my best wishes for adventure and satisfying contributions to the big, big world go with you two. Love you both.

  3. Downsizing sounds like a refreshing endeavor. I know I need to do that as well.
    Can’t wait to read more about your adventure.

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