Adjusting the mental equipment

20130531-114519.jpgThe first leg of our journey allowed us a brief stop over in one of our favorite places that we have been to together. We made it to Amsterdam…again!

Win: we successfully flew standby across the Atlantic to arrive in Amsterdam a day early, leaving lots of time to enjoy the canals, the people and the uncharacteristically beautiful weather.

Loss: the airport ATM eating Marjani’s debit card within 13 seconds of arrival. From Marjani: “apparently my bank and I hadn’t communicated as well as I thought we had…”

No tears were shed as we chalked it up to a minor disaster and one that we could easily overcome. There are always bumps along the road of travel and being on the road requires us to tweak the mental equipment a bit to survive.

The mental equipment is the stuff you are born with. It can be updated, fixed, improved, adjusted, overhauled, broken then fixed and refueled at any point. It needs TLC so provide that at every turn. We hope that this trip will help strengthen our mental equipment and challenge it so it’s ready for other opportunities and journeys along the way.

Amsterdam, as referenced in our win column, opened its arms very wide for our short stopover. We amazingly were able to meet up with our dear friend and 1000 Shillings cofounder, Rebecca. We walked the canals, rested up in our wonderful AirBnb digs (shout out to Gijs & Juliette) and stared in awe at the biking infrastructure we so desperately wish was present back home.

Best part is our return trip home takes us right back through this wonderful city and there is no doubt we’ll look to match the perfection of these couple days spent there.